It is the only specialized museum in Lithuania dedicated to the history of the bicycle. Founded almost four decades ago, the museum combines traditional exhibitions with the latest technologies. Every visitor here becomes an active participant who can get acquainted with the history of the bicycle and experience the possibilities and entertainment provided by this vehicle.
On the first floor of the museum, both adults and children can enjoy competitions riding a modern and an antique bicycle.
The old wooden bicycle is built according to drawings that are almost five centuries old. In the exhibition on the third floor, you can try road cycling, and on the second floor you can try a non-traditional sports vehicle – velomobile.
Those who visit the museum will learn not only about the development of one of the oldest transport, sports and eco-friendly vehicles, but will also get to know the cyclists who made Lithuania famous in the world with their tours. There is a rest area and a special information space installed for the convenience of the museum visitors.