Dengtiltis water mill with a technological line

In the upper reaches of Dubysa, the building of water mills started after the uprising of 1831, after the construction of Venta – Dubysa overpass failed. The energy generated by the river in these surroundings in the end of the 19th century was used by Dengtiltis, Mirsiškė, Bernotai and Burkšiai mills and Bubiai sawmill. 

In the same place where the Dengtiltis mill stands now, a bridge with a thatched roof was built across Dubysa in the 19th century. People say that it inspired the name of the settlement.

Until 1863, Dengtiltis mill belonged to Pašiaušės landowner Vincentas Vitkevičius. He was exiled to Siberia for his participation in the uprising. The tsarist authorities confiscated the Pašiausė estate and gave it to General Bukshevden. People did not like the new owners of the manor, they called them “shit counts”. The Bukshevdens had a hard time farming, so in the end of 19th century, they sold the estate. A Latvian man under the name of Insterburg, who bought the farm, started to transform the place rebuilding the mill as well. 

After the nationalization (1940), the Dengtiltis mill was handed over to the Šiauliai Industrial Combine, later it went to a collective farm. Today, it is again privately owned and is being gradually maintained and reconstructed.

The mill is privately owned. Visiting inside is not allowed. The outside can be viewed at any time.